Advanced First Aid

Advanced First Aid Course in the Workplace

This is an intensive and comprehensive training program designed to provide advanced first aid skills. It covers sophisticated topics and techniques for dealing with severe medical emergencies and accidents, specifically tailored for employees in high-risk environments.

Course Topics

Roles and Responsibilities of the First Aider

Participants learn the duties and responsibilities of providing first aid, including understanding legal requirements, initial consent, reaching the incident site, providing primary care, communicating with emergency services, and incident reporting.

Accident Assessment

Focuses on surveying the accident site and conducting primary and secondary assessments of the injured, including CPR positioning and gathering necessary information for proper care.

Managing an Unconscious Casualty

Covers principles of resuscitation and measures for managing unconscious victims, including CPR and airway management.

Respiratory System Management

Teaches how to address respiratory problems such as obstructions, choking, and oxygen deficiency, and how to provide first aid for these conditions.

Wounds and Bleeding

Instructs on handling various types of wounds and managing bleeding effectively to prevent worsening of the injured's condition.

Shock and Seizures

Explains physiological shock and severe allergic reactions, including types of seizures and their management.

Minor Injuries

Participants learn how to handle minor injuries such as bruises, minor cuts, scratches, and first-degree burns.

Fractures and Dislocations

Teaches recognition of different types of fractures and how to use splints to stabilize fractures, including head, spinal injuries, and pediatric fractures.

Sprains and Strains

Discusses common symptoms of sprains and strains and how to effectively manage these injuries to provide necessary care.

Chest Injuries

Provides a deep understanding of different types of chest injuries and how to effectively manage them, including recognizing symptoms and providing primary care.

Serious Illnesses

Focuses on handling serious illnesses like heart attacks, angina, strokes, diabetes, poisoning, and asthma, including providing first aid and taking necessary measures to help stabilize and treat.

Other Injuries

Includes recognition and management of other injuries such as crush injuries, and injuries from heat and cold exposure.

Training Course Details

Program Objective

The objective is to assist our corporate clients in positively influencing the culture of occupational health and safety in high-risk work environments. This is achieved by helping employees acquire knowledge and enhance skills needed to protect life, reduce suffering, and promote recovery.

Number of Participants per Session

Up to 20 trainees per session

Course Duration

The course runs for 7 hours per day, spanning 2 to 3 days.

Delivery Method

The course is conducted in-person in a training room and is available in both English and Arabic

Certificate Validity

The certificate is valid for two years from the date of issue, with a recommended annual refresher course

You have an inquiry or would like to arrange a Advanced First Aid course for your employees or associates

Send us a message and we will contact you

Or Contact Us

+966 9200 19 092

+966 9200 19 092

Benefits of obtaining Advanced First Aid Course from Lazem Training Company

Needs Analysis

Before training begins, we offer a free analysis of your establishment and employees needs to design a training model that perfectly meets your requirements

Dedicated Account Manager

A dedicated account manager will ensure effective communication before and during the training period to meet all your needs and manage the process smoothly

Training Quality and Qualified Team

Our team is distinguished by their qualifications and experience in various training areas offered by the company

Local and International Accreditations

All our training programs are provided with the best local and international accreditations, ensuring high quality and recognition

Speed and Flexibility

The ability to start the service at any time that suits you, with speed of completion and flexibility in dealing with your requirements and schedule

Suitable and competitive Prices

Providing suitable and competitive prices, with an emphasis on providing added value and high-quality services